Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.

Verify your phone number

Let’s connect! Make sure that the right people have your correct phone number. Hosts need to verify their phone numbers before listing their homes, and guests must have a verified phone number before booking a reservation.

Keeping your phone number current—and removing any old numbers—is a good way to keep your account safe.

To add and verify your phone number

  1. Go to Account > Personal info
  2. Next to Phone number, click Edit then Add a phone number
  3. Select your country, (the country code will be added automatically)
  4. Enter your area code and phone number
  5. Click Verify and we'll send you a 4-digit code via text message (SMS)
  6. Enter your 4-digit code

After verifying your phone number, you can manage text message notifications by going to Account and choosing Notifications. Standard message and data rates may apply for any calls or messages sent or received. 

Note: After a booking is accepted, all phone numbers on an account will be displayed to the other party, whether you're a guest or a Host.

If you can’t verify your phone number

Having trouble verifying your phone number? Read some of our tips for troubleshooting phone number verification.

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